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Training Programs for Staff

Real Life Heroes® Training Program

Real Life Heroes ® (RLH), a life storybook, focuses on the developmental needs of children. Its training programs is led by Dr. Richard Kagan who is also the author. Our management team has gripped the skills and knowledge introduced in a 1080-minute online training program. With us, our children can taste different art creation activity to explore their inner voices and self-worth. Finally, the child becomes a hero/heroin he/she can count on to.

“Life Journey Work” Workshop

Our staff members learn skills how to create an individualised storybook and to guide the residents in the workshop before children’s workshop. Each storybook is as unique as one’s life journey. To create an exclusive storybook, a review of previous experience and an exploration of one’s mind are essential. At the meanwhile, children order their thoughts, overcome traumatic feelings and have a fairly positive outlook on future.

TIC Training Program

Our social workers and residential workers regularly receive TIC training program about its application and principles. Staff reviews knowledge and exchange practical experience to safeguard the security of traumatised children and youths and to keep them from re-traumatisation. 

Case Management & Support

Case management is a tool including assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy, service provision, etc. The system aims to develop and regulate service. New intake will undergo an assessment with a help of Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Trauma Comprehensive (CANS-Trauma Comprehensive) to frame an individualised service plan. Also, social workers make timely case consultation with professional psychologist to discuss and optimise plans.

Health Management Staff Training Programs

Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, CUHK offers a series of health management training workshops for staff including nutrition, healthy diet, fitness test, physical fitness, safe meal handling, etc.




Kindness House

Jockey Club Mark Memorial Home is the only home in HKSAS that accommodates both boys and girls, which has a capacity of 64 children, including 48 boys and 16 girls. “Family-oriented and people oriented” was our service rationale behind the upbringing for our children. A caring, nurturing and warm home-like environment with Christian tradition is offered to them as well.



Friendly House

Jockey Club Mark Memorial Home is the only home in HKSAS that accommodates both boys and girls, which has a capacity of 64 children, including 48 boys and 16 girls. "Family-oriented and people oriented" was our service rationale behind the upbringing for our children. A caring, nurturing and warm home-like environment with Christian tradition is offered to them as well.



Peace House

Jockey Club Mark Memorial Home is the only home in HKSAS that accommodates both boys and girls, which has a capacity of 64 children, including 48 boys and 16 girls. “Family-oriented and people oriented” was our service rationale behind the upbringing for our children. A caring, nurturing and warm home-like environment with Christian tradition is offered to them as well.



Now and Then

A major renovation and fitting-out works were done in 2020 and 2023 respectively to refurbish the Home.

